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Marketing Support and Growth: Premier HR Solutions Case Study

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Premier HR Solutions is a human resources and recruiting agency based near Austin, Texas with a unique service offering. Premier HR Solutions provides small- and medium-sized businesses with customized solutions and support, helping businesses manage the complex world of human resources. 

Premier HR SolutionsPremier HR Solutions matches their varied clients with the ideal mix of support and services, including HR On Demand, customized recruiting, HR consulting, and more. Their clients rely on their expertise for compliance, employee relations, and policy and procedure updates, among many other services. Rather than pushing clients to choose from one-size-fits-all services, Premier tailors their approach to each individual customer.  Through their innovative recruiting approach and their commitment to matching their clients with specialized solutions, they’ve become a leader in their local market. 


In 2018, Scholley Bubenik, Premier HR Solutions founder and CEO, approached Trusty Oak in search of marketing and administrative support. Scholley had been seeking to outsource day-to-day tasks such as blogging, email marketing, and social media management, but had hit frustrating roadblocks and setbacks. Unreliable freelancers and inconsistent tactics meant Premier’s online presence was lackluster and in need of attention. 

With a growing business and a busy staff, Scholley needed the ability to outsource Premier’s marketing efforts without compromising quality. Scholley’s goal was to find a solution that would allow her and her team to focus on serving clients and closing deals rather than marketing.


Through Trusty Oak’s Delegation Action Plan process, Scholley and the Premier HR team Emily Fiskwere matched with a marketing strategist virtual assistant, Emily Fisk. Emily has an extensive background in marketing and content development and began by developing a marketing strategy for the Premier HR Solutions team. 

During the strategy phase, Emily identified some early goals to tackle collaboratively with the Premier HR team, including some website updates and social media profile refreshes. Emily developed a content calendar and began helping with writing, developing, and publishing regular blog posts, social media posts, and email newsletters. 

Content Marketing

Emily jumped in and started developing Premier’s content marketing efforts right away. She created a consistent content calendar for the team to use to manage upcoming blog posts and newsletters and coordinated with the team for social media content creation. 

Before long, Emily had become a part of the Premier HR Solutions team and fell into a regular routine of sending marketing emails, formatting and publishing blog posts, and managing Premier’s social media presence. Along the way, Emily consistently improved processes and honed Premier’s marketing message. From introducing tools like Trello and Google Drive to designing on-brand MailChimp templates, Emily was able to assist the Premier HR Solutions team while they focused on business operations. 


Today, over a year later, Premier HR Solutions is continuing to thrive and grow in partnership with Trusty Oak. Emily and other Trusty Oak team members have continued to support the company, most recently assisting with a company rebrand and website relaunch project. Premier HR Solutions has leaned on Emily Fisk for marketing strategy, Stacey King for social media management, and Brad Kaufman for paid advertising expertise, all through Trusty Oak’s unique business-to-freelancer matching process. 

Premier’s marketing efforts are coordinated and robust because of Trusty Oak’s assistance. One year ago, the company struggled to even have a consistent online presence, while today, their marketing quality has improved significantly. Their social media platforms are regularly updated with on-brand, relevant content, their blog is full of consistent, high-value expertise, and their leads are being nurtured through quality email marketing. With Trusty Oak’s help, the Premier HR Solutions team has also written and published two digital white papers and is now launching coordinated paid advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience. We’re proud to support Premier HR Solutions as their business grows and excited to see what the future holds. 

Scholley Bubenik - Premier HR Solutions“As a rapidly growing business, I need to have talented people to provide administrative and marketing support on demand as the business needs arise. I need multiple people with varied skills sets on a part time basis. Trusty Oak has been a great solution to this need. I have worked with multiple people who are exceptionally skilled and provide exemplary service. I have been able to accomplish so much with their help. Together, we developed a new website, implemented a marketing campaign, designed a new brand, and developed new marketing collateral. I would highly recommend business owners and entrepreneurs to consider utilizing this exceptional resource.”

– Scholley Bubenik, CEO, Premier HR Solutions

Are you ready to delegate? We’re ready for you! 

Amber Gray

Amber Gray is the founder and CEO of Trusty Oak, an Austin-based virtual assistant company providing administrative and marketing support to small business leaders, authors, and creative teams. A people-first approach to hiring, along with a scalable growth model have positioned Trusty Oak as a flexible, dependable, and affordable alternative to hiring administrative and marketing employees. In 2021 and 2022, Trusty Oak was named Freelancer Hiring Platform of the Year, and in 2021 Amber was recognized as Austin Business Woman of the Year.

Before founding Trusty Oak, Amber spent five years at a rapidly growing digital agency based in Austin, TX. Four of those years, she was responsible for hiring and leading both local and virtual teams while working closely with clients ranging from CEOs to bestselling authors to build their brand online. As VP of Operations, Amber helped lead the company’s growth to #15 on Austin Business Journal’s Fast50 List in 2014.

As a female founder and leader of a company that has quickly established a recognizably special culture within a non-traditional workforce, Amber has energized and empowered women from diverse professional and personal backgrounds to go against the grain of historically standard female roles in business, technology, and leadership. Trusty Oak provides an opportunity for experienced admin and marketing professionals to work independently as freelancers, but with a supportive internal network consisting of other ambitious and resourceful remote workers.

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