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client spotlights

Client Spotlight—Elizabeth Scott, PhD, and Brighter Strategies, LLC

Meet Trusty Oak Client, Elizabeth Scott, PhD, and Brighter Strategies, LLC! Elizabeth Scott, PhD, the visionary founder of Brighter

Client Spotlight—Choir

Meet Trusty Oak Client, Choir! In a world where DE&I can sometimes be an afterthought, Choir stands out as

Client Spotlight — Martin Global Leaders

Craig Martin and his team at Martin Global Leaders are based in the San Francisco Bay Area and develop

Client Spotlight — Trama Consulting Group

Britt Trama is the founder of Trama Consulting Group, a boutique consulting firm specializing in helping fast-growing companies turn

How Virtual Assistants Increase Accessibility for Disabled Entrepreneurs

Let’s start off with one thing in mind: disabled people are uniquely poised to lead because of the difficulties

Marketing Support and Growth: Premier HR Solutions Case Study

Premier HR Solutions is a human resources and recruiting agency based near Austin, Texas with a unique service offering.

Peace of Mind and Time-Saving: Christensen Institute Case Study

The Clayton Christensen Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank organization and leader in Disruptive Innovation, dedicated to improving our

Solopreneur, Meet Your Team: DOTomation Client Case Study

Karen Morgan, a Licensed Texas Professional Engineer (Inactive), is a busy and highly-motivated solopreneur, owner of DOTomation Consulting and founder of the

More Hands on Deck: Cabéza Advertising Case Study

Texas-based advertising and marketing agency Cabéza Advertising was growing in 2017, taking new clients and expanding offerings.

Providing Structure and Support: ATX Web Designs Case Study

In 2017, Austin-based ATX Web Designs was experiencing what every business owner wishes to experience: growth.

Praxent Founder & CEO, Tim Hamilton: Trusty Oak Client Case Study

Tim Hamilton is the CEO and founder of Praxent, a rapidly growing software development firm in Austin, Texas. A