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The Trusty Oak Blog

Trusty Oak By the Numbers: Celebrating 7 Years in Business

It’s one thing to simply connect entrepreneurs with freelancers. That’s the basics of what we do here at Trusty

The Big List of Frequently Asked Virtual Assistant Questions, Answered

If you are new to the virtual assistant world, you are not alone! Whether you’re looking into a career as a

How to Use a 15-Minute Work Map to Supercharge Your Productivity

Congratulations! You’ve done it. You’ve launched your own business and, though you’re a hard worker with a proclivity for

Get Things Done by Partnering With Your Virtual Assistant

Being an entrepreneur and small business owner is hard. In the past several years, millions of people have joined

Operational Processes Set Small Business Free

Beyond the Chaos helps small professional services businesses owners (up to 25 employees) simplify their operations and manage projects

Your Guide to a Monthly Marketing Plan With Your Virtual Assistant

At Trusty Oak, marketing services are one of the most requested areas where clients ask for support. Therefore, we have virtual assistants versed

Roadblocks That Keep Us From Achieving Our Goals

Kristin Burke’s mission is to help others maximize their potential and achieve their definitions of success. As a goal achievement

How to Use Time-Blocking for Productivity

One of the most common responses I hear when someone looks at my calendar is “whoa.” I get it

What It’s Like to Recruit Virtual Assistants During the Great Resignation

What’s it like to recruit for flexible, remote jobs during the great resignation? Busy. Busy as in we’ve added

3 Tips for Managing the Unexpected | JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon 

Personal Assistant Tasks to Delegate to Your Virtual Assistant

Many of our clients at Trusty Oak delegate professional and business-related tasks to their virtual assistants – from invoicing

Virtual Assistants for Photographers: 5 Tasks to Delegate

Here at Trusty Oak, we have well over a hundred active clients and are equipped to serve in a

We’re here to help

Our process is designed to create successful, rewarding partnerships. Book a call or send us a message to learn more about how it works.