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Use This System to Fix Remote Team Communication Issues

In the fast-paced small business world, efficient and effective communication is paramount, particularly for small teams collaborating remotely with virtual assistants. One powerful strategy to enhance communication and collaboration with your VA is to implement a Tiered Communication System. This system delineates various communication methods based on urgency and context, ensuring you and your VA are always on the same page.

Understanding the Tiered Communication System

The tiered communication system categorizes communication methods from the most immediate to those suitable for scheduled discussions. Leaders can tailor the flexible system to fit their team’s unique culture and needs. Here’s a detailed look at each tier:

1. Phone/Text Messaging

Use Case: Rare, urgent requests

Most people have their phones on hand at all times, making phone calls and text messages the quickest way to get someone’s attention. However, it’s crucial to use this method sparingly with your VA due to their flexible work schedules. Respecting boundaries and using phone/text communication only for urgent matters fosters trust and shows your commitment to professional respect.

Best Practices for Phone Calls and Text Messaging:

  • Commit to using phone calls and text messages for occasional, urgent issues only.
  • Discuss your VA’s working hours and respect their boundaries to increase trust.

2. Slack/Instant Messages

Use Case: Quick, synchronous exchanges

Slack or similar messaging tools allow for immediate communication while offering features to manage availability. For instance, team members can set their status to indicate their availability, helping to balance flexibility with the need for prompt responses. Establish transparent best practices for using these tools to ensure effective communication without overstepping boundaries.

Best Practices for Using Slack:

  • Establish usage rules, create topic-based channels, use discussion threads, and set statuses to indicate availability.
  • Avoid assigning tasks through Slack, where they might get lost in conversations.

3. Email and Project Management Software

Use Case: Asynchronous collaboration, detailed communication

Email and project management (PM) software like Trello, Monday.com, or Asana are ideal for communicating complex information and managing tasks asynchronously. These tools support comprehensive project tracking and detailed documentation, making them perfect for sharing large amounts of information, links, files, or video content.

Best Practices for Using Email and Project Management Software:

  • Discuss your expected turnaround time for your VA to respond to emails.
  • Assign due dates for tasks when using project management software.

4. Loom/Video Recording Software

Use Case: Detailed, asynchronous communication with a personal touch

Loom is a valuable tool for creating and sharing video messages including screen recordings. This is particularly useful for explaining complex tasks, providing training, or when a personal touch is needed. Videos can be archived for future reference, cutting down on repetitive questions and enhancing autonomy for your VA.

Best Practices for Using Loom: 

  • Screenshare and feel free to explain task assignments casually. It’s okay to skip rehearsing!
  • Keep videos available for future reference.

5. Zoom/Synchronous Meetings

Use Case: Real-time collaboration and brainstorming

For real-time discussions and brainstorming, Zoom or other video conferencing tools are essential. These meetings are best for conveying complex information that requires immediate feedback. Always schedule Zoom meetings in advance, prepare an agenda, and use AI tools to record and summarize discussions for future reference.

Best Practices for Zoom Meetings

  • Schedule meetings ahead of time, prepare an agenda, and turn on your video to enhance communication.
  • Avoid canceling or rescheduling meetings at the last minute, as your VA likely juggles multiple clients and commitments.
The Importance of Video in Remote Communication

Research indicates that only 7% of communication is verbal, with 93% being nonverbal. Of the nonverbal component, 55% is body language, and 38% is tone of voice. Turning on your video for meetings and recorded messages significantly boosts communication effectiveness by allowing your VA to perceive your body language and tone, fostering quicker trust and better collaboration.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Tiered Communication System

A tiered communication system helps streamline interactions with your VA, ensuring clarity, respect, and efficiency. Choosing the appropriate communication method based on urgency and context can enhance your working relationship, boost productivity, and build a stronger, more effective team.

Interested in how you can have a VA to help support your team?

Connect with our Business Development Specialist, Bex Howell!

Amber Gray

Amber Gray is the founder and CEO of Trusty Oak, an Austin-based virtual assistant company providing administrative and marketing support to small business leaders, authors, and creative teams. A people-first approach to hiring, along with a scalable growth model have positioned Trusty Oak as a flexible, dependable, and affordable alternative to hiring administrative and marketing employees. In 2021 and 2022, Trusty Oak was named Freelancer Hiring Platform of the Year, and in 2021 Amber was recognized as Austin Business Woman of the Year.

Before founding Trusty Oak, Amber spent five years at a rapidly growing digital agency based in Austin, TX. Four of those years, she was responsible for hiring and leading both local and virtual teams while working closely with clients ranging from CEOs to bestselling authors to build their brand online. As VP of Operations, Amber helped lead the company’s growth to #15 on Austin Business Journal’s Fast50 List in 2014.

As a female founder and leader of a company that has quickly established a recognizably special culture within a non-traditional workforce, Amber has energized and empowered women from diverse professional and personal backgrounds to go against the grain of historically standard female roles in business, technology, and leadership. Trusty Oak provides an opportunity for experienced admin and marketing professionals to work independently as freelancers, but with a supportive internal network consisting of other ambitious and resourceful remote workers.

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