Your Mindset is Everything – Finding Business Success Through Getting Your Head Straight

It’s never easy starting anything. A new job, relocating, or even getting married, can all be mind-boggling and nerve-wracking. Then there’s starting a new business. Just thinking about it can stretch your mental capacity to its limit, not to mention the entire process. Starting a business takes guts and hard work. One thing it requires more than anything else is to be mentally ready for all the tasks at hand. There will be all sorts of confusion, complication, twist, and turn, but you must be mentally prepared to maneuver them so you can see it to fruition. There will be situations that make you question each step you take.
On the other hand, there will be people who will challenge your sanity just for even thinking about such a task, which is why Trusty Oak teamed up with Master Life Coach Michelle Fournier and hosted a webinar titled “Your Mindset is Everything – Finding Business Success Through Getting Your Head Straight.”
She gives tips and tricks on how to leverage your thoughts and resources. A popular American English proverb says, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going,” which means “when the situation becomes difficult, strong people can step up and handle it.” When going through this workshop, that is something that kept repeating in my head.
When the Going Gets Tough
At this time, you must remind yourself why you wanted to start a business and how important it is for you to keep going. Be ready for the bumps in the road. Sometimes these bumps are expected, such as scurrying to find certain documents that you should have, while other times, it’s unexpected when you must attain new documents.
Other times you might have missed a deadline to register your business or lack certain requirements to move forward with registration. Then there are those pesky times when you might not be fully informed on how to meet certain deadlines, such as financial obligations, personal qualifications, or other pertinent information. Note that you might need to recalculate some things or re-route some steps to help you get back on track.
So don’t lose hope but use each bump as a stepping stone. The positive side to this is that you might find that things look better after uprooting some things and backtracking some steps. On the other hand, there will also be days when all seems to be going well. Please don’t take these days for granted; they can also be stepping stones. It’s like playing the game “shoots and ladders.” You might find yourself on a winning streak several times before falling back to the starting point each time.
Important Tips and Best Practices
Here are a few things that I have learned from this workshop. There are four major requisites for change.
- Release/repattern negative emotions and beliefs
- Create a compelling future
- Take action
- Set and enforce boundaries, and stay focused on what you want
The first one is letting go of negative emotions, they will weaken your mental state and sow seeds of doubt every time you face a new task. The way you mentally speak to yourself sets the tone for your life and your business. If you constantly tell yourself that you are not good enough, not having what it takes, or anything else, that is exactly what you and your business will be. Your strength, determination, and stamina are mandatory in helping you create a compelling future.
Remember, your reason for starting a business must be important enough to propel you into doing things that seem impossible or unattainable. This is where your mindset determines the success of your business. This means remaining dedicated to what’s necessary to progress. Don’t skip important meetings because you don’t feel like it. Michelle says, “thoughts become things in the process of manifestation.” Thoughts+Feelings+Actions=Results.
Each meeting serves to educate, encourage and build a community of resources. Don’t give less than your best because you’re not in the mood. Your mood should not determine your best effort because after that mood passes, you might experience a lot of regrets for missed opportunities.
You must always set boundaries for every step that leads to your destiny. There should be no room for procrastination if you have a made-up mind for your business goals. Get yourself a planner that gives daily, weekly, and monthly task options. Set a specific time of the day to update your planner, whether before bed or at the start of the day and be ready to enforce them.
Stay focused on what you want. Your success is as great as the effort you put out. Remember, your mindset is everything if you’re trying to find and attain business success.
You might ask where I begin or how I get started on your suggested path. Michelle says, “Delegate and assign who does what and when–this is a process, and it is a consistent follow-up.”
This is where Trusty Oak can help.
Whatever your business needs are, Trusty Oak has a VA to fill that need. Trusty Oak aims to offer VAs who are trustworthy, reliable, and dependable. Michelle says her VA gets things done in 10 hours, which would take 40 to 60 hours to do. Who wouldn’t benefit from that type of help?
Each virtual assistant has their own set of skills, knowledge, and expertise to solve just about any task you send to them. For those of you with that last bit of doubt, Michelle says,
“Those of you that say you can’t afford a VA, I’m going to say you can’t afford NOT to have one.”
Be encouraged and take that first step.