What Are Virtual Assistant Jobs Like? An Interview with Jamie Williams, VA

Wondering what it’s like to be a virtual assistant or are you simply curious about what VAs can do for your business? Find out in this recent interview with our Founder and CEO Amber Gray and VA Jamie Williams.
Read on to learn what Jamie’s typical week looks like, why she became a VA, and what she loves most about working at Trusty Oak.
What is Freelancer Life Like For You?
Currently, I am working three jobs (Trusty Oak, Pet Sitter, Chiropractic Assistant) and I thrive working multiple jobs versus having one full time job. When I started working for Trusty Oak four years ago I was working full time (at a job I hated) and was just looking for a way to earn some extra income. And then it grew into something much more.
With Trusty Oak I learned how to work remotely, juggle multiple clients, and every day I was being challenged while expanding my skill set. After a few months of working both jobs, I quit my full time job after learning that diversifying my work opportunities was much more satisfying and I needed to keep growing. At Trusty Oak I am helping my clients grow their business, while growing Trusty Oak and expanding my skill set. And, it is so much fun!
What Does a Week in the Life of a VA Look Like?
I love to-do lists and I like to plan out the week ahead. I look at all the tasks that I have to do for my clients each week and then I put them in my favorite project management tool to stay organized.
How Often Do You Meet with your Clients?
It depends on the client. I have set calls with a few of my clients and others I sometimes meet and collaborate with on the fly. I am always flexible for my clients, but also have boundaries. I make sure to respond to any communication within 24 hours.
How Long are the Meetings with Your Clients?
Usually around 30 minutes but sometimes can be longer depending on our relationship. I have had calls last about two hours because we get off topic and talk about cool things like live music and our love for traveling.
What Types of Tasks are you Doing for Your Clients?
I do a lot of social media marketing which consists of planning, creating and scheduling content. Creating and scheduling email newsletters, job search, market research, blog formatting, website updates, admin tasks, creating online events, sending follow up emails and email organization. I love creating processes and keeping my clients organized. I always tell my clients to delegate and if they have a task that I am not skilled at, I can find someone that can help (another reason I love Trusty Oak)!
Where Did you Get your Experience and Training?
I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing and I often sign up for continuing education courses (Hubspot and General Assembly offer some great courses) to keep growing. Also, my previous jobs have been in the marketing and hospitality industry.
Why Did you Decide to Become a VA?
More flexibility and I can work from anywhere! And, I love to serve and help people. That is what I am most passionate about. I feel like I am really making a difference and my clients truly appreciate the work I do for them.
Did I mention that I LOVE my clients? I support some amazing women (and one awesome guy) and they inspire me every day.
Client Love:
- Janifer Wheeler, CDP®, the JoyFull Badass Whisperer™
- Michelle Fournier, Dreambuilder Coach, Life Mastery Consultant
- Dave Bahr, Coach, Author and Speaker
- Brandi Munoz, Principal Workforce Development Consultant
- Kim Moore, Executive Coach
At Trusty Oak, we cut out the drama and are always supportive of one another. I can hop on Slack and ask for graphic design help, web design, SEO, etc…and someone is always willing to help me out. The collaboration opportunities are endless.
What are Some of the Drawbacks of Working as a VA?
Since I have been with Trusty Oak for four years, I would say the biggest drawback is the lack of delegation from clients. I have had some who prefer to be in control and they have no idea how to delegate which can be frustrating.
And you have to be prepared for the ups and downs of hours per week. This ebbs and flows. If you are looking for a certain amount of hours this week, you may end up having quite a few clients to reach that number.
Related: Mastering the Art of Delegation
How do you Handle Coverage when you Want to Take Time off?
Since I am a planner and travel often, I communicate with my clients well in advance to handle any open tasks before I am out of office. However, if they need someone while I’m gone, I’ll reach out to the Trusty Oak team to see if anyone would be available during that time.
How does Freelancing Affect your Taxes?
With multiple jobs and being both W2 and a freelancer I made the decision a few years ago to hire an expert. Having money set aside specifically for taxes and keeping track of your expenses is also beneficial when you are a freelancer.
Keep Growing
If you are looking to work for a company that continues to grow and are wanting to be a part of a collaborative community while having fun along the way Trusty Oak might be the place for you.
For any questions about either careers at Trusty Oak or working with one of our virtual assistants visit trustyoak.com!