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Why Real Estate Agents Should Hire a Virtual Assistant

Before you say it… You CAN afford an assistant. 

Trusty Oak offers some great options for every level of need. The best part? You’re paying for only the time spent on your business. You’re not paying for lunch breaks, social media breaks, or time spent chatting with co-workers—let alone 40 hour work week paychecks! Read more about how a virtual assistant is more affordable than a full-time employee in one of our most recent blog posts. 

So now that that issue is cleared up, let’s talk about the ways your new virtual assistant can help you get back to focusing on generating leads and making money.

Administrative Work… Delegate It

There’s possibly nothing more time-consuming than admin work in real estate. Learning how to send for electronic signatures, figuring out how to scan documents for your brokers review, having to resend documents because your client or the co-agent forgot to initial a page (or three)… The moment you acquire your real estate license, you become a business owner. So why are you handling the small stuff? 

Think about the time you’ve spent:

  • Sitting at your desk double-checking for signatures
  • Waiting on a co-agent to send necessary documents
  • Learning how to use software
  • Managing leads in your CRM and trying to connect 

The moment you stop handling the day to day admin work is the moment you can start building your business exponentially. 

Social Media… Get On It 

A social media post with your business tagged in the caption is the 2018 equivalent of a client handing your business card out to 300 of their friends. It’s literally free advertising. People post pictures of just about everything these days. By creating a business page for them to tag in the caption of their new house photo, you’re allowing your clients to become brand ambassadors and include an instant link to your business page with your contact information front and center. 

You need to make your real estate business available to be shared with the world. If you don’t have the time to manage your social media consistently and engage with your audience, (this is a trickbecause you shouldn’t), hire a VA and dedicate a few of their hours to building and maintaining your online presence in order to be part of the conversation. 

Marketing… Are You Doing Enough?

You know what virtual assistants are really good at? Marketing. You know what you’re good at? Getting your clients into their dream homes for the right price.

Effective marketing for full-time agents in real estate should include monthly emails, handwritten notes on clients anniversaries, blogs, neighborhood specific newsletters and more. Imagine if you had a monthly email focusing on a different neighborhood each month or blogs that showcased your real estate expertise… you’d rise in the ranks and become a go-to real estate agent! If only you had the time…

There’s a Theme Here

You could be maximizing your potential if you simply had the time and the right resources to support it. Hand over the day-to-day tasks to a virtual assistant and you’ll find yourself with an excess of hours to lead generate, reconnect with past clients to nurture those relationships and ask for referrals, and spend more time showing houses!

Hire a virtual assistant and you’ll find yourself building the successful business you’ve been dreaming about. 

Caty Smart

Caty graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a minor in Hospitality. She moved from Florida to Idaho in 2015 due to her love for the great outdoors and sense of adventure, and has an eagerness to continue to learn new things. Caty’s passion has always been to recruit and train employees in order to make sure the standards of the company are reflected in their actions and in their work. This passion led to her current position as an Office Manager in Real Estate where she recruits, trains, networks to build business-to-business relationships, blogs, and maintains the website and all social media platforms to communicate the mission and values of her company. If you asked, she would tell you that understanding the buyer’s journey is the key to business success. She thrives in the world of inbound marketing and is eager to help new businesses understand how it can help their marketing reach new heights.

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